Mask Wearing

A client recently asked:“I’m wondering if you could give me any advice around mask wearing and good breathing? She asked because like many she was finding wearing a mask difficult. My response to her was as follows: There are many variables which make mask wearing more or less difficult. Ease and tolerance will depend on […]
Breathe Well with Exercise: Improve Sporting Performance

Anders Olsson wrote in his book ‘Conscious Breathing’: “Breathing well when you exercise ensures that your energy production is efficient, while keeping the consumption of available energy low, so you will consequently achieve more with less effort. This leads to increased endurance and faster recovery.”1 Health benefits from regular exercise are well known such as: […]
Inflammation and Breathing

Did you know that learning to breathe well offers you a natural pathway to reduce chronic inflammation? Inflammation often begins as a natural response to stressors on the body as a defence mechanism. Stressors may be: biological such as an infection neurological such as anxiety physiological such as from pain and injury or from over-extending […]
Infertility, Hormone Changes in Women and Breathing

HORMONE CHANGES IN WOMEN AND BREATHING Men and women do breathe differently! Women tend to suffer from more breathing pattern disorders (BPD) than men1. Unfortunately the effects of BPD (also known as dysfunctional breathing) are still under- recognized by health care professionals, however they play an important role in contributing to fatigue, pain, poor sleep and changes […]
Breathing for Communicators

BREATHING FOR COMMUNICATORS: PUBLIC SPEAKERS, TEACHERS, PERFORMERS When carrying out breathing assessments, there are a number of symptoms that we commonly see at the clinic amongst teachers, lecturers, consultants and singers – those whose work or leisure involves a lot of talking or vocal performance. These symptoms include the frequent need to clear the throat, […]
Chronic Cough

Chronic Cough and the Breathing Connection Coughing is a normal reflex designed to help protect the lungs from taking in unwanted allergens, pollutants and organisms which may have been inhaled. This is a natural defence mechanism which can also help to get rid of phlegm or excess mucous when we have an infection. When a […]
Nasal Congestion and Sinusitis

What is Nasal Congestion and Why does it Happen? Nasal Congestion is often called rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal passages) by doctors however rhinitis is only one kind of nasal congestion which occurs for a number of reasons. When the nose and it’s adjacent tissues and blood vessels become swollen with excess fluid it partially […]
Overwhelmed, Stressed, and Anxious?

When in overwhelm and stressed, it is very difficult to think clearly and to look after ourselves in the best way we can. When living in this state even at a low level it can cause unhealthy breathing such as hyperventilation to become the norm. What many are unaware of however, is that breathing poorly […]
Snoring, Sleep Apnoea and Buyteko Breathing

Snoring is not only disruptive and annoying for your loved ones and anyone in earshot, but it can also indicate poor breathing health and lead to serious health problems if it continues over time. Snoring generally results in poor quality sleep and is a precursor to, and prime indicator of sleep apnoea. When sleep is […]
Asthma, Allergies and Hayfever

If you would like to better control or even eliminate symptoms of asthma naturally, it helps to first understand what it is and how healthy baseline breathing is critical to any improvement and management of symptoms. It will also support in understanding how hay fever and allergies can be improved with correct breathing. What is […]