


Your course at Breathe Free Clinic has been one of the best courses I have ever done in my life.

These tools are invaluable and I am so delighted that I have been able to have your guidance to learn how to breathe properly. 

Breathing is something we just take for granted but all the information that you shared has definitely been world-class. 

Thank you ever so much.

I hope more people would make this a priority full stop because it’s one of the life lessons we all need.

Thank you

- Judy (54yrs) 

If you have been considering doing this breathing course at Breathe Free Clinic I can honestly say it has helped both my son (14 years) and I immensely. 

Felicity is very easy to get along with, she is patient and professional (and) provides clear documented guidelines so you can easily revise what you are doing. Learning effective breathing is a process where she encourages you and assists you with the goals that you have for overall health improvement.

Breathing is definitely something we take for granted yet have never actually taken the time to learn how to do well.

This course can help with so many different facets of your well-being. The improvements if you follow her guidelines really do help you to feel fantastic.’

Thank you Felicity. 

- Oscar (14yrs) and Judy (53yrs)  

I Enjoy(ed) my time with you; you are very patient with me. Yes I feel I have achieved a little hope to master it in time; easy to slip back into my old habits. 

The information is very good …. I go over it again and again). 

One of my neighbours is (now) interested …

- Nancy (83 yrs)

Thank you so much (also) for the breathing coaching and lessons. I thoroughly enjoyed them and (as I said, I think) I learned a lot. (I intend to resume my routine of three breathing exercises a day).

- Norman (59 yrs)

I want to tell you that I am so much better with sleeping, I don’t have that “having to get up

In the middle of the night problem” any more, and I am so grateful to you for what you have done

For me. …. I thank God for the day Bill found your advertisement in the local paper, also for having been able to get all your instruction and help before this terrible virus (COVID-19) struck.

I would be happy to recommend your treatment to anyone.  In fact, I have told a few people about you, and they are all so pleased to hear about how much you have done for me.

- Bev (70 yrs)

I had periodic mild to severe episodes of asthma in addition to colds or flu that would regularly become bronchial infections. The worst of these … prompted me to begin breathing retraining. In the more than a year since I have been engaged in the training, I have had no more episodes of asthma, no colds or flu, and no episodes of bronchial or lung infection. I no longer need a bronchodilator and am in the process of eliminating a daily corticosteroid (which Leslie has since done) …I highly recommend the Breathe Free Clinic’s breathing retraining to others.

It has been a great pleasure working with Felicity. Our written and video (Skype) communications were always prompt, well planned, and well executed. Felicity was very knowledgeable and well organized. Thank you

- Lesley Giesen, (66 yrs) UAE - taught online 

Tutor said to her mum after a couple of weeks of breathing retraining:

‘I don’t know what you’re doing but keep it up because it’s clearly working; she’s been able to concentrate a lot better lately’

- Mia (7 yrs)

Hi Felicity Neelima here … I had a badly broken bone (right hand/arm) which triggered major anxiety attacks! Five days on and loads and loads of buteyko later I’m nearly there 😉🙏 … it’s good to have a powerful tool to support through times of extra stress or shock / trauma’

- Neelima (35 yrs)

After 6 weeks of breathing practice chiropractor (to well-known rugby team) said:

‘Your chest is a lot less tight and breathing better. 

What have you been doing?

On hearing Jesse was learning to breathe correctly with the Breathe Free Clinic commented that he was lucky to be learning at an early age what the rugby team were being taught now!

- Jesse (9 yrs)

My daughter was experiencing shortness of breath and very irregular breathing and couldn’t sustain long periods of exercise,… was tired in school and was unable to keep up with peers in sports at school.

(Having just completed the breathing retraining) breathing is more regular, (she) is not so breathless with exercising and sleeping longer. No longer yawning so much … Recommend to others because benefits are quite noticeable

- L Workman (for her 11 years old daughter)

I wanted to improve my breathing and wondered if it would help to prevent the recurrence of an episode recently experienced of brief memory loss (Transient Global Amnesia). The breathing retraining promised to help with snoring which I also suffered from. After completing the retraining my husband said he needed to poke me to see if I was alive because I was no longer snoring each night.

- Alison (70 yrs)